
Dokumentation zum YetaWF.Core-Paket


YetaWF.Core.Packages.Package Class

Package class, used to describe a YetaWF package, containing modules and skins.

Namespace: YetaWF.Core.Packages
Assembly: YetaWF.Core



public class Package;




PublicStaticAddOnsCustomUrlReturns the URL of the AddonsCustomization folder
PublicAddonsSourceFolderThe path to the Addons (JavaScript/CSS) folder for this package. Describes the source code folder.
PublicStaticAddOnsUrlReturns the URL of the Addons folder
PublicAreaNameThe MVC Area name used by the package.
PublicAspNetMvcThe .Net version for which this package was built.
PublicCachedLicenseDataUsed to cache a package's license data. This is available to package implementers and is not used by YetaWF.
PublicCachedLocalizationUsed to cache a package's localized data. This is available to localization data providers (e.g., YetaWF.DataProvider.Localization.LocalizationDataProvider) and is not used by YetaWF.
PublicCompanyDisplayNameYour company name (derived from the package company name), in displayable form.
PublicDescriptionThe description for the current package.
PublicDomainThe domain name of the company owning this package. Periods (".") are not allowed. Top-level domains are only added if your company doesn't own the .com domain.
PublicInfoLinkThe URL for information about this package.
PublicInstallableModelsReturns a list of all installable models in the current package, defined using the IInstallableModel interface.
PublicIsCoreAssemblyPackageReturns whether the package is a core assembly package.
PublicIsCorePackageReturns whether the package is a core package.
PublicIsDataProviderPackageReturns whether the package is a data provider package.
PublicIsModulePackageReturns whether the package is a module package.
PublicIsSkinPackageReturns whether the package is a skin package.
PublicIsValidReturns whether the package object is valid.
PublicLanguageDomainThe domain name (derived from the package domain) used for language resources.
PublicLicenseLinkThe URL for the license information for this package.
PublicNameThe package name.
PublicPackageAssemblyThe assembly implementing this package.
PublicPackageSourceRootReturns the root path of the package's source files. This is used to determine the location of a source package on a development system.
PublicPackageTypeReturns the package type.
PublicProductThe product name.
PublicReleaseNoticeLinkThe URL for the release notice for this package.
PublicResourcesThe protected resources owned by this package.
PublicServiceLevelDefines the package's purpose.
PublicSourceFileReturns the source file path of the package's AssemblyInfo.cs file. This is used to determine the location of a source package on a development system.
PublicStoreLinkStore URL for purchasable packages.
PublicSupportLinkThe URL for support information for this package.
PublicUpdateServerLinkThe URL for the update server for this package.
PublicVersionThe product version.


PublicStaticExcludedFilesAddons(not specified)
PublicStaticExportFormat(not specified)
PublicStaticExportFormatChunks(not specified)
PublicStaticExportFormatModules(not specified)
PublicStaticPackageContentsFile(not specified)
PublicStaticPackageIDDataFile(not specified)
PublicStaticPackageIDFile(not specified)


PublicStaticAddSiteDataAsync(not specified)
PublicStaticCompareVersionCompares two version strings.
PublicStaticCreatePackageSymLinkAsync(not specified)
PublicInherited from System.ObjectEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
PublicExportDataAsync(not specified)
PublicExportPackageAsync(not specified)
ProtectedInherited from System.ObjectFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
PublicStaticFindAddOnNamedReturns a specific named addon.
PublicStaticFindPackageReturns a specific package.
PublicStaticFindSkinReturns a specific skin.
PublicStaticFindTemplateReturns a specific template.
PublicStaticGetAddOnNamedUrlReturns the Url to the specific module's addon folder
PublicStaticGetAddOnPackageUrlReturns the Url to the specific package's addon folder
PublicStaticGetAddOnSkinUrlReturns the Url to the specific skin's addon folder
PublicStaticGetAddOnTemplateUrlReturns the Url to the specific template's addon folder
PublicStaticGetAvailableAddOnsReturns information about all known addons.
PublicStaticGetAvailablePackagesReturns all packages referenced by this YetaWF instance, i.e., the website (this excludes templates, utilities)
PublicStaticGetAvailableSkinCollections(not specified)
PublicGetClassesInPackageReturn a list of all classes in one package that support an interface or are derived from the specified type.
PublicStaticGetClassesInPackagesReturn a list of all types in all packages that support an interface or are derived from the specified type.
PublicStaticGetCurrentPackageGiven an object, returns the YetaWF package implementing the object.
PublicStaticGetCustomUrlFromUrlConvert an addon url to a custom addon url (which has a site specific override)
PublicInherited from System.ObjectGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
PublicGetHasSourceAsyncReturns whether the current package is a source code package (includes source code). Source code package are only found on development systems.
PublicGetInstallOrderReturns a list of all public types in the current package, in the order they should be installed.
PublicStaticGetPackageFromAssemblyGiven an assembly, returns an instance of the Package class describing the package.
PublicStaticGetPackageFromPackageNameGiven a package name, returns the Package object.
PublicStaticGetPackageFromTypeGiven a type, returns the YetaWF package implementing the type.
PublicGetRequiredPackagesReturns a list of names of all packages required by the current package.
PublicInherited from System.ObjectGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
PublicStaticImportAsync(not specified)
PublicStaticImportDataAsync(not specified)
PublicInstallModelsAsync(not specified)
PublicStaticIsPackageSymLinkAsync(not specified)
PublicLocalizeAsyncLoads a package's types and extracts all localizable information (mainly from attributes) and saves the information in a customizable data file
ProtectedInherited from System.ObjectMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
PublicStaticMustUpgradeAsyncReturns whether an upgrade is forced (even on deployed systems).
PublicStaticProcessAllFilesAsync(not specified)
PublicStaticInherited from System.ObjectReferenceEqualsDetermines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance.
PublicStaticRegisterAllAddOnsAsyncLocates all addons and registers them at application startup.
PublicRemoveAsyncRemoves a package, including data, files and the assembly implementing the package.
PublicStaticRemoveSiteDataAsync(not specified)
PublicStaticSavePackageMapAsyncSaves a map of all currently installed packages.
PublicInherited from System.ObjectToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
PublicStaticTryFindAddOnNamedReturns a specific named addon.
PublicStaticTryFindPackageReturns a specific package.
PublicStaticTryFindSkinReturns a specific skin.
PublicStaticTryFindTemplateReturns a specific template.
PublicStaticTryGetAddOnNamedUrlReturns the Url to the specific product's addon folder
PublicStaticTryGetAddOnPackageUrlReturns the Url to the specific package's addon folder
PublicStaticTryGetAddOnTemplateUrlReturns the Url to the specific template's addon folder
PublicStaticTryGetPackageFromAssemblyGiven an assembly, returns an instance of the Package class describing the package.
PublicStaticTryGetPackageFromTypeGiven a type, returns the YetaWF package implementing the type.
PublicUninstallModelsAsync(not specified)
PublicStaticUpgradeToNewPackagesAsyncTakes the existing package map (from a prior YetaWF instance startup) and installs or updates models for new packages and packages whose version has been updated.


ProtectedAddOnType(not specified)

See Also YetaWF.Core Overview