Dokumentation zum YetaWF.Core.GeoLocation-Paket


YetaWF.Core.GeoLocation.GeoLocation.UserInfo Class

An instance of the UserInfo class defines geolocation information for an IP address, retrieved using the GeoLocation.GetUserInfoAsync method.

Namespace: YetaWF.Core.GeoLocation
Assembly: YetaWF.Core.GeoLocation



public class UserInfo;




PublicCityDefines the city where the IP address is located.
PublicContinentCodeDefines the continent code where the IP address is located.
PublicCountryCodeDefines the country code where the IP address is located.
PublicCountryNameDefines the county where the IP address is located.
PublicCurrencyCodeDefines the currency used where the IP address is located.
PublicCurrencySymbolDefines the currency symbol used where the IP address is located.
PublicIPAddressDefines the IP address.
PublicLatitudeDefines the longitude where the IP address is located.
PublicLongitudeDefines the latitude where the IP address is located.
PublicRegionDefines the region where the IP address is located.
PublicRegionCodeDefines the region code where the IP address is located.
PublicRegionNameDefines the region name where the IP address is located.


PublicInherited from System.ObjectEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
ProtectedInherited from System.ObjectFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
PublicInherited from System.ObjectGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
PublicInherited from System.ObjectGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
ProtectedInherited from System.ObjectMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
PublicStaticInherited from System.ObjectReferenceEqualsDetermines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance.
PublicInherited from System.ObjectToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.

See Also YetaWF.Core.GeoLocationYetaWF.Core