



The YetaWF.DataProvider.PostgreSQL assembly/package implements record-based I/O to PostgreSQL tables and is a low-level data provider. It is used by application data providers and not by applications directly.

The implementation details are hidden from the application and local/shared caching is used as appropriate, based on definitions in AppSettings.json.

The PostgreSQL data provider offers the following classes which are used by application data providers.

YetaWF.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.SQLSimpleIdentityObject<KEYTYPE,OBJTYPE>Implements access to objects (records), with one primary key and with an identity column.
YetaWF.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.SQLSimple2IdentityObject<KEYTYPE,KEYTYPE2,OBJTYPE>Implements access to objects (records), with a primary and secondary key (composite) and with an identity column.
YetaWF.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.SQLSimpleObject<KEYTYPE,OBJTYPE>Implements access to objects (records), with one primary key and without identity column.
YetaWF.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.SQLSimple2IdentityObject<KEYTYPE,KEYTYPE2,OBJTYPE>Implements access to objects (records), with a primary and secondary key (composite) and with an identity column.
YetaWF.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.SQLModuleObject<KEY,OBJTYPE>Implements access to the repository containing YetaWF modules. It is only used by the YetaWF.DataProvider.ModuleDefinition package and is not intended for application use.

See Also YetaWF.Core