
YetaWF.DataProvider.SQL Paketdokumentation



The YetaWF.DataProvider.SQL assembly/package implements record-based I/O to SQL tables and is a low-level data provider. It is used by application data providers and not by applications directly. It implements SQL database access using stored procedures. The functionally equivalent YetaWF.DataProvider.SQLDyn package implements SQL access using dynamically generated SQL statements.

The implementation details are hidden from the application and local/shared caching is used as appropriate, based on definitions in AppSettings.json.

The SQL data provider offers the following classes which are used by application data providers.

YetaWF.DataProvider.SQL.SQLSimpleIdentityObject<KEYTYPE,OBJTYPE>Implements access to objects (records), with one primary key and with an identity column.
YetaWF.DataProvider.SQL.SQLSimple2IdentityObject<KEYTYPE,KEYTYPE2,OBJTYPE>Implements access to objects (records), with a primary and secondary key (composite) and with an identity column.
YetaWF.DataProvider.SQL.SQLSimpleObject<KEYTYPE,OBJTYPE>Implements access to objects (records), with one primary key and without identity column.
YetaWF.DataProvider.SQL.SQLSimple2IdentityObject<KEYTYPE,KEYTYPE2,OBJTYPE>Implements access to objects (records), with a primary and secondary key (composite) and with an identity column.
YetaWF.DataProvider.SQL.SQLModuleObject<KEY,OBJTYPE>Implements access to the repository containing YetaWF modules. It is only used by the YetaWF.DataProvider.ModuleDefinition package and is not intended for application use.

See Also YetaWF.Core