
YetaWF Dokumentation


Build Pipeline

The build pipeline used with YetaWF is preconfigured and uses gulp. The following tasks are supported:

Gulp TaskDescription
sassCompiles all *.scss CSS files into *.css files. This is performed as part of the DebugBuild and ReleaseBuild tasks.
lessCompiles all *.less CSS files into *.css files. Less is not currently used by YetaWF. This is performed as part of the DebugBuild and ReleaseBuild tasks.
tsCompiles all *.ts TypeScript files into *.js JavaScript files. Less is not currently used by YetaWF. This is performed as part of the DebugBuild and ReleaseBuild tasks.
tslintLint checks all *.ts TypeScript files. This is part of the ReleaseBuild task.
images-webpCreates *.webp-gen WEBP images from *.PNG and *.JPG/JPEG files. This is performed as part of the DebugBuild and ReleaseBuild tasks.
minify-jsMinifies all *.js JavaScript files to *.min.js. This is part of the ReleaseBuild task.
minify-cssMinifies all *.css CSS files to *.min.css. This is part of the ReleaseBuild task.
DebugBuildPerforms the tasks sass, less, ts and images-webp.
ReleaseBuildPerforms the tasks sass, less, ts, tslint, minify-js, minify-css and images-webp.

When building a DEBUG or RELEASE build in Visual Studio, the DebugBuild or ReleaseBuild task respectively is executed as part of a full rebuild.

All tasks can be performed manually. Using a command prompt, with ./Website as the current folder, execute gulp with the task name to perform:

gulp DebugBuild