
YetaWF Documentation


BooleanText Component

BooleanText (Display)

Displays the model using a disabled checkbox, indicating the boolean status (checked, unchecked) and additional text.

Model Type: bool?

Sibling Properties

model__TextstringDefines the additional text shown next to the checkbox.
[Category("Skin"), Caption("Show Help"), Description("Defines whether the module help link is shown in Display Mode - The help link is always shown in Edit Mode", Order = -91)]
[UIHint("BooleanText"), ReadOnly]
public bool ShowHelp { get; set; }
public bool ShowHelp_Text { get { return ShowHelp ? "Yes" : "No"; } }

BooleanText (Edit)

Allows selection of a true/false status using a checkbox and shows additional text.

Model Type: bool?

The additional text shown does not change as the checkbox status is changed by the user.

Sibling Properties

model__TextstringDefines the additional text shown next to the checkbox.
model__TooltipstringDefines the tooltip shown for the checkbox.
[Category("Skin"), Caption("Show Help"), Description("Defines whether the module help link is shown in Display Mode - The help link is always shown in Edit Mode", Order = -91)]
public bool ShowHelp { get; set; }
public string ShowHelp_Text { get { ShowHelp ? "Yes" : "No" } }