
YetaWF Documentation


Text20 Component

Text20 (Display)

Displays the model using a disabled Text box. Should be used for text up to 20 characters in width. In most cases the use of the String Component is preferred over the Text Component for display purposes.

Model Type: string

AdditionalMetadata Attributes

CopybooltrueDefines whether a copy icon is displayed to allow the user to copy the contents to the clipboard and the text box is rendered read/only as opposed to disabled. If false is specified, no copy icon is shown.
ReadOnlyboolfalseDefines whether the text box is rendered read/only as opposed to disabled.
[Caption("Category"), Description("The name of this blog category")]
[UIHint("Text20"), ReadOnly]
public string Category { get; set; }

Text20 (Edit)

Allows entry of a string. Renders a text box. Should be used for text up to 20 characters in width.

Model Type: string

If the StringLengthAttribute is specified for the model, the Text box is limited to the specified number of characters.

AdditionalMetadata Attributes

CopybooltrueDefines whether a copy icon is displayed to allow the user to copy the contents to the clipboard and the text box is rendered read/only as opposed to disabled. If false is specified, no copy icon is shown.
ReadOnlyboolfalseDefines whether the text box is rendered read/only as opposed to disabled.
AutoCompletestringnullDefines the optional autocomplete attribute.

Sibling Properties

model__PlaceHolderstringDefines the placeholder text shown when control contents are empty.
[Caption("Title"), Description("The title for this blog entry")]
[UIHint("Text20"), StringLength(BlogEntry.MaxTitle), Required, Trim]
public string Title { get; set; }