
YetaWF Documentation


MultiString80 Component

MultiString80 (Display)

Displays the model using the user's defined language (see User > Settings, standard YetaWF site). Strings for other languages contained with the model are not displayed. Should be used for text up to 80 characters in width.

Model Type: YetaWF.Core.Models.MultiString

[Caption("Title"), Description("The title for this blog entry")]
[UIHint("MultiString80"), StringLength(BlogEntry.MaxTitle), Required, Trim]
public MultiString Title { get; set; }

MultiString80 (Edit)

Allows entry of strings in all site defined languages (see National Language Support). Renders a text box with an adjacent dropdown list showing each available language so the user can enter text for each available language. Should be used for text up to 80 characters in width.

Model Type: YetaWF.Core.Models.MultiString

If the StringLengthAttribute is specified for the model, the Text box is limited to the specified number of characters.

[Caption("Category"), Description("The name of this blog category")]
[UIHint("MultiString80"), ReadOnly]
public MultiString Category { get; set; }