
YetaWF Documentation


YetaWF_Identity_RoleId Component

YetaWF_Identity_RoleId (Display)

Displays the model's role ID as a role name with a tooltip describing the role.

Model Type: int

For information about roles in YetaWF, see the Authorization topic.

[Caption("Limit To Role"), Description("Defines which role must be present for this action to be shown")]
[UIHint("YetaWF_Identity_RoleId"), ReadOnly]
public int LimitToRole { get; set; }

YetaWF_Identity_RoleId (Edit)

Allows selection of a role. The model represents a role ID.

Model Type: int

For information about roles in YetaWF, see the Authorization topic.

AdditionalMetadata Attributes

ShowDefaultbooltrueDefines whether a "(none)" entry is added with a value of 0.
[Caption("Limit To Role"), Description("Defines which role must be present for this action to be shown")]
[UIHint("YetaWF_Identity_RoleId"), AdditionalMetadata("ShowDefault", true)]
public int LimitToRole { get; set; }