
YetaWF Dokumentation


Static Pages

Static Pages are served by YetaWF without any processing which results in fast load time. A static page doesn't need to be rendered as its contents are already available. This is best used for pages that rarely change. For example, if your Home page can be made a Static Page, your site will load quite a bit faster. But Static Pages can be used throughout your site for pages that rarely change. And you can change a Static Page back to a regular page at any time.

Static Pages are only available on deployed sites for anonymous users, i.e., users who are not logged in.

Any page within a YetaWF site can become a Static Page by changing the page's Static Page property (see Page Settings). Of course, the displayed page's contents don't change until you explicitly change the page, for example by editing its Page Settings or by changing its contents like a YetaWF.Text module, at which point the Static Page is regenerated.

Site Settings are used to globally enable/disable Static Pages for a site (see Pages tab).

Static Pages can contain forms like the User > Login or User > Register. Also all Javascript/CSS is saved with the Static Page and executed when the page loads.

The same Static Page can be used in a popup or as a regular page, with http:// and https://, as different versions of the same Static Page are saved.

When a YetaWF instance is restarted in IIS, all saved Static Pages are removed and will be regenerated when each page is accessed for the first time.


  • Static Pages used within popups must always be used with the same page skin.
  • Pages with modules that generate distinct data each time the page is displayed are not suitable as Static Pages.

A freshly installed standard YetaWF site has no Static Pages.