
YetaWF Dokumentation


Installing YetaWF

YetaWF is installed directly from the GitHub repository. There are a number of prerequisites for a successful installation of YetaWF. This documentation will guide you step by step through all necessary steps.

Development System Requirements

  • Linux
  • Windows 10 (or newer)
  • Optional Database Servers
    • Microsoft SQL Server (2012+) including Express editions
    • PostgreSQL Server (11.0+)

Windows development

  • Visual Studio
    • You must have Visual Studio 2022 17.1.5 (or better) for YetaWF with .NET 6.0 - Visual Studio Community versions also work.
  • Nuget must be configured to download missing packages automatically (see Nuget Package Restore).


Assuming your system matches all of the above requirements, in a few minutes you'll be running your first YetaWF site.

Installing YetaWF for .NET on Linux
Installing YetaWF for .NET on Windows