
YetaWF Dokumentation


YetaWF.Pages Package


This package implements page management.


Module NameDescription
Component - ListOfLocalPages ModuleTest module for the ListOfLocalPages component (edit and display). A test page for this module can be found at Tests > Templates > ListOfLocalPages (standard YetaWF site).
Pages ModuleDisplays and manages pages and implements page removal. It is accessible using Admin > Panel > Pages (standard YetaWF site). It is used to display, edit settings and remove pages. The Pages Module also provides Site Map creation services.When removing pages, the modules on the page are NOT removed.
ScrollToTop (Skin) ModuleSkin module implementing a scroll to top button to return to the top of the current page. This module can be referenced by sites, pages or modules, in which case an image is shown in the bottom right of a page once scrolled down, so the user can click on the image to return to the top of the page.


The YetaWF.Pages package is part of YetaWF, an open source product licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPL-3.0) - Copyright - Softel vdm, Inc.