
YetaWF Dokumentation


YetaWF.TawkTo Package


This package offers support for live chat on any YetaWF site, using the Tawk.to service (free basic accounts). The TawkTo (Skin) Module displays the chat invitation button or bubble on your page and lets visitors initiate a chat session.

All configuration for the chat window is performed on Tawk.to and with your Tawk.to account. Once your chat account is set up, use Admin > Settings > TawkTo Settings (standard YetaWF site) to configure the TawkTo (Skin) Module. You'll need your Site ID and API Key, that is provided on the Tawk.to dashboard.

To turn on the chat window on just specific pages, use the Page Settings of the Control Panel and add a reference to the TawkTo (Skin) Module (on the References tab). Or to turn on the chat window on all pages, use Admin > Settings > Site Settings and add a reference to the TawkTo (Skin) Module (on the References tab).


Module NameDescription
Tawk.to (Skin) ModuleImplements the TawkTo chat window, referenced by your page(s) or site. It is not added to a skin or page, instead it is referenced by a site, page or module. Referencing the TawkTo (Skin) Module causes the TawkTo chat window to be displayed as configured in your https://www.tawk.to account.
TawkTo Settings ModuleImplements the TawkTo configuration. It can be accessed using Admin > Settings > TawkTo Settings (standard YetaWF site).


The YetaWF.TawkTo package is part of YetaWF, an open source product licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPL-3.0) - Copyright - Softel vdm, Inc.