
YetaWF Dokumentation


Date Component

Date (Display)

Displays the model formatted as a date localized using the user's selected time zone (see User Settings Module).

Model Type: System.DateTime?

All date/time values in YetaWF are internally stored and processed using UTC.

The model value must be specified as UTC. If the model value is null or equal to DateTime.MinValue or DateTime.MaxValue, nothing is rendered.

[Category("Rss"), Caption("Feed Publish Date"), Description("The date this feed was published")]
[UIHint("Date"), ReadOnly]
public DateTime? FeedPublishDate { get; set; }

Date (Edit)

Allows entry of a date using local time.

Model Type: System.DateTime?

All date/time values in YetaWF are internally stored and processed using UTC.

MinimumDateAttribute and MaximumDateAttribute can be used to define the lowest and highest allowable date/time values.

[Category("Rss"), Caption("Feed Publish Date"), Description("The date this feed was published")]
public DateTime? FeedPublishDate { get; set; }