
YetaWF Dokumentation


Hidden Component

Hidden (Display)

Renders the model as a hidden input field <input type="hidden"..>.

Model Type: object

Even though it's marked with the ReadOnly attribute, this component's value is still modifiable and will be included when a form is submitted. It never uses validation.

In most cases the Display version of this component should be used, instead of the Edit component. The Edit component uses validation which is not desirable in most cases.

[UIHint("Hidden"), ReadOnly]
public int Identity { get; set; }

Hidden (Edit)

Renders the model as a hidden input field <input type="hidden"..>.

Model Type: object

In most cases the Display version of this component should be used, instead of the Edit component. The Edit component uses validation which is not desirable in most cases.

public int Identity { get; set; }