
YetaWF Dokumentation


MultiString Component

MultiString (Display)

Displays the model using the user's defined language (see User > Settings, standard YetaWF site). Strings for other languages contained with the model are not displayed.

Model Type: YetaWF.Core.Models.MultiString

[Caption("Title"), Description("The title for this blog entry")]
[UIHint("MultiString"), StringLength(BlogEntry.MaxTitle), Required, Trim]
public MultiString Title { get; set; }

MultiString (Edit)

Allows entry of strings in all site defined languages (see National Language Support). Renders a text box with an adjacent dropdown list showing each available language so the user can enter text for each available language.

Model Type: YetaWF.Core.Models.MultiString

If the StringLengthAttribute is specified for the model, the Text box is limited to the specified number of characters.

[Caption("Category"), Description("The name of this blog category")]
[UIHint("MultiString"), ReadOnly]
public MultiString Category { get; set; }