
YetaWF Dokumentation


PageSkin Component

PageSkin (Display)

Displays the selected page skin information. The model defines the skin definition and cannot be null.

Model Type: YetaWF.Core.Skins.SkinDefinition

[Category("Skin"), Caption("Page Skin"), Description("The skin used to display the page")]
[UIHint("PageSkin"), ReadOnly]
public SkinDefinition SelectedSkin { get; set; }

PageSkin (Edit)

Allows selection of a page skin from all the available skin collections.

Model Type: YetaWF.Core.Skins.SkinDefinition

AdditionalMetadata Attributes

NoDefaultboolfalseDefines whether a "(Site Default)" entry is automatically added as the first entry, with a value of null
[Category("Skin"), Caption("Page Skin"), Description("The skin used to display the page")]
[UIHint("PageSkin"), Trim]
public SkinDefinition SelectedSkin { get; set; }