
YetaWF Documentation


PhoneNumber Component

PhoneNumber (Display)

Displays a phone number. The model represents a phone number in E164 ISO format. If the model is null, nothing is rendered. The phone number is rendered in a format typically used by callers, taking into account the site's country (see Admin > Settings > Site Settings, Site tab, Country field). Phone numbers are automatically formatted as international or domestic phone numbers.

Model Type: string

All phone numbers used in YetaWF are internally stored in E164 ISO format. For details about E164 see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.164.

[Caption("From"), Description("The caller's phone number")]
[UIHint("PhoneNumber"), ReadOnly]
public string PhoneNumber { get; set; }

PhoneNumber (Edit)

Allows entry of a phone number. The model represents a phone number in E164 ISO format.

Model Type: string

The phone number entered can contain country codes, area codes and special characters. The model returned will contain a phone number in E164 ISO format.

All phone numbers used in YetaWF are internally stored in E164 ISO format. For details about E164 see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.164.

[Caption("From"), Description("The caller's phone number")]
public string PhoneNumber { get; set; }