
YetaWF Dokumentation


YetaWF.Identity Package


This package implements all authentication services. Site defined authentication based on name or email address is supported, and optionally authentication using Google, Twitter, Facebook and Microsoft accounts. The Login Provider Settings Module is used to enable external authentication.

The User Login Settings Module can be used to define a site's settings, such as whether new users are accepted, new users, require verification, etc.

YetaWF provides the following configurable features using the YetaWF.Identity package and the User Login Settings Module:

  • Enable/disable new user registration
  • User registration by name only, email address only or both name and email address
  • External authentication using Google, Twitter, Facebook and Microsoft accounts
  • Recover/reset passwords via email
  • Login and Register Captcha
  • New user verification and approval
  • Logged-on user impersonation during development using the User Login Selector Module

Roles & Users

Pages, modules and resources are accessible to defined roles and/or users. Roles can be assigned to users so they can obtain permission to access pages, modules and resources. Or users can be directly given permission for certain pages, modules and resources.

It is best to use "roles" and combine permissions by roles. For example, you could define a role named "Editor" which allows page/module editing, but not page or module removal. All users that are assigned the Editor role, are given the permissions defined by that role.

SuperuserA logged on user that has access to all features, pages, modules, resources of all sites within a YetaWF instance without any restrictions.
AdministratorA logged on user that has access to all features, pages, modules, resources of one site within a YetaWF instance without any restrictions.
UserA site visitor that is logged on.
AnonymousA site visitor that is not logged on.

Use the Roles Module (Admin > Identity Settings > Roles, standard YetaWF site) to manage roles.

Use the Users Module (Admin > Identity Settings > Users, standard YetaWF site) to manage users.


Pages and modules are accessible to users and roles that have been given permission to do so. Resources are features such as file uploading that are not module or page specific. Resources are assigned to roles and users to provide access to that feature.

Use the Resources Module (Admin > Identity Settings > Resources, standard YetaWF site) to manage resources.

Built-In Urls

/YetaWF_Identity/LoginDirect/LoginAs?UserId=userIdLog in as the specified user. Only users/roles with the resource permission "YetaWF_Identity-AllowUserLogon" can use this Url to log in as another user.
/YetaWF_Identity/LoginDirect/Logoff?NextUrl=nexturlThe current user is logged off. If the optional nextUrl argument is specified, the user is redirected to that Url, otherwise the user is redirected to the site's home page.



Module NameDescription
Display a User ModuleUsed to display an existing user. This is used by the Users Module to display a user.
Display Role ModuleDisplays an existing role. This is used by the Roles Module to display a role.
Edit Resource ModuleUsed to edit a resource. This module is used by the Resources Module
Edit Role ModuleEdits an existing role. This is used by the Roles Module to edit a role.
Edit User ModuleUsed to edit an existing user. This is used by the Users Module to edit a user.
Login Provider Settings ModuleUsed to edit local and external login provider settings like Google, Facebook, etc. The Login Provider Settings Module can be accessed using Admin > Identity Settings > Login Providers (standard YetaWF site).
New Role ModuleAdds a new role. This is used by the Roles Module (Admin > Identity Settings > Roles, standard YetaWF site) to add a new role.
New User ModuleAdds a new user. This is used by the Users Module to add a new user.
Resources ModuleUsed to display and manage resources used for authorizations. It is accessible using Admin > Identity Settings > Resources (standard YetaWF site).
Roles ModuleUsed to display and manage roles. Roles can be managed using Admin > Panel > Identity, Roles tab (standard YetaWF site).
User Login Settings ModuleManages the site's user login settings and is used to define a site's settings, such as whether new users are accepted, new users, require verification, etc. The User Login Settings Module can be accessed using Admin > Settings > User Login Settings (standard YetaWF site).
Users ModuleUsed to display and manage users. This can be accessed using Admin > Panel > Identity, Users tab (standard YetaWF site).


Module NameDescription
UserId Filter ModuleImplements a filter for a user id.

Login & Registration

Module NameDescription
Change Password ModuleUsed to edit the current user's account password. The Change Password Module can be accessed using User > Change Password (standard YetaWF site).
Forgot Password? ModuleAllows a user to retrieve/reset a forgotten password for an existing account. This is used by the Login Module.
Login ModuleAllows a user to enter account information to log into the site. The Login Module can be accessed using User > Login (standard YetaWF site).
New Password Required ModuleDisplays a warning that the user must change the login password.
New User Registration ModuleUsed by new users to register a new account on the current site. The User Login Settings Module can be used to disable new user registration. The New User Registration can be accessed using User > Register (standard YetaWF site).
Recovery Codes ModuleAllows users to review and generate two step authentication recovery codes.
Reset Password ModuleAllows a user to reset the login password.
User Account ModuleUsed to edit the current user's account user name or email address and displays additional information. The User Account Module can be accessed using User > Account (standard YetaWF site).


Module NameDescription
Component Test - ListOfUserNames ModuleTest module for the ListOfUserNames component (edit and display). A test page for this module can be found at Tests > Templates > ListOfUserNames (standard YetaWF site).
Component Test - RolesSelector ModuleTest module for the RolesSelector component (edit and display). A test page for this module can be found at Tests > Templates > RolesSelector (standard YetaWF site).
Component Test - UserId ModuleTest module for the UserId component (edit and display). A test page for this module can be found at Tests > Templates > UserId (standard YetaWF site).
Redirect Logged On Users ModuleRedirects logged on users to other pages.
User Login Selector ModuleUsed during site development to quickly switch between predefined user accounts. It is normally added to a skin as a skin module. Use the module's Module Settings to add predefined user accounts to the list of accounts offered by this module. In debug builds this module is always shown for easy switching between users during development. In Release builds, this module is only shown to a logged on Superuser.

Two Step Authentication

Module NameDescription
External Account Setup ModuleDisplayed after logging in using an external login provider, so the user can set up a local account.
Select Two-Step Authentication ModuleDisplays a list of available two-step authentication providers that the user can select to use for two-step authentication. This is used during login processing to complete two-step authentication.
Setup Two-Step Authentication - Selection ModuleDisplays a list of available two-step authentication providers that the user can define to use for two-step authentication. This can be accessed using User > Two-Step Authentication (standard YetaWF site).
Two-Step Authentication Setup Required ModuleDisplays a warning that the user must complete two-step authentication setup.


The YetaWF.Identity package is part of YetaWF, an open source product licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPL-3.0) - Copyright - Softel vdm, Inc.