
YetaWF Dokumentation


What is YetaWF?

YetaWF (pronounced "Yet another Web Framework") is a web framework/CMS for developers. It builds on .NET 6.0 with MVC and has many attributes commonly found in today's CMS like DotNetNuke, Umbraco, Drupal, etc. and is available on all platforms supported by .NET (Windows, Linux, Docker, etc.).

Rather than being all things to all people, it narrowly focuses on offering 100% of the features that will satisfy most small to mid-size, average websites and offers a platform for rapid custom development. Yet, it is fully scalable with its available web farm/web garden support. Tightly integrated with Visual Studio 2022, it offers built-in BREAD (Browse, Read, Edit, Add, Delete) module generation, taking advantage of .NET with MVC, Data Annotation, Templated Helpers, UIHint and many other innovative features made possible by .NET 6.0 and MVC.

YetaWF's underlying principle is "Convention over Configuration". Instead of offering a gazillion ways to do things, YetaWF expects packages and modules to do things "the YetaWF way". By doing so, packages and modules can automatically offer features like Single Page Sites, Static Pages, automated backup, searching, use in popup windows, tabbed property pages, import/export, access to UI templates, and many other features, which require significant effort in other web frameworks.

YetaWF is a new open source product, developed by Mike van der Meulen of Softel vdm, Inc. It was used to develop and host the company's own site, the legal service Formulaws.com, the RegistryUI.com service, the ubackup.io service, the www.LegacyFax.com fax service, the www.StatusPie.com Website Uptime Monitoring service, the LinksWithPics service, this site and various other sites.

Of course, it makes extensive use of TypeScript and many built-in client-side components, like grids, menus, syntax highlighter, lightbox, CKEditor, tabs, overlays and many more. It combines these with automatic features like JavaScript and CSS minifier and bundling, HTTP response compression (take a look at the source for this page) without burdening the developer with administrative tasks.

YetaWF offers easy to design Single Page Sites, Static Pages and of course traditional multi-page sites, all easily created with modules that are added to pages. YetaWF also takes a new approach to localization by being designed from the ground up with localization in mind (again, without burdening the developer with administrative tasks). Pages, modules, down to SQL/PostgreSQL tables or file data are fully localizable. Adding/removing languages is possible at any time, not just at design-time. Even upgrading is super simple. Your site's data will be upgraded automatically when you restart your site with the new version, even if you skipped a several versions.

For the site administrator, it offers site management, automated backups, easy version upgrades, auditing, scheduled tasks and of course complete control over authentication and user/role authorizations. And you can even use it on your phone/tablet without downloading any apps, with full access to all administrator features.


Some of the major features are:

Developer Features

Some of the built-in features for module/skin development include:

  • JavaScript and CSS management for third-party add-ons
  • Popup windows for pages and modules
  • Extensive component support (UIHint) and support for custom components
  • Browse, Read, Edit, Add, Display module generation using Visual Studio templates
  • Configuration module generation using Visual Studio templates
  • Skin development
  • File upload/download support
  • Email sending support (formatted and unformatted)
  • ZIP file creation
  • RSS support
  • RSA and MD5 Cryptography support
  • much more...